Home based US Medical Form Filling projects available call us 7708244092

$ 344 / شهر
المسمى الوظيفي
Home based US Medical Form Filling projects available call us 7708244092
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  • الإنجليزية
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المسمى الوظيفي
I need assistance with entering data from TIFF image files into a customized software over a period of 15 days. The task involves processing 3000 records, with a keen focus on Contact Information within the records.

Key Project Details:
- Data is provided in TIFF image files.
- Adherence to flexible data entry guidelines is necessary.
- A total of 3000 records need to be entered in a span of 15 days.
- A contract for 11 months will be provided.
- Quality checks will be conducted, with reports released after 3 days.
- Support will be provided for quality checks on sample files.

Ideal Skills:
- Prior experience in data entry, particularly in the healthcare sector, is an advantage.
- Proficiency in handling customized software for data entry.
- Attention to detail, especially regarding Contact Information.
- Ability to adhere to flexible guidelines while ensuring accuracy.
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