$ 40.00
Are you looking for tutor? Contact me now!
We have part time tutor and full time tutors for every level from Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School & Junior College. For your interest we also provide Music and Swimming lesson etc.
The benefits of getting a tutor from us:
- Managed by an experienced Tuition Company who has been in this line
for the past years. You will get an official receipt.
- Get up to 20% discount for EPH assessment books Accumulate points
for every dollar you spent and redeem it with a shopping voucher
- Get a free E learning/ Assessment. Usual Price is $49.90/monthly.
Contact Email: [email protected] OR
Facebook: Byron Lim
Note: No agency fee is charged on the students/parents.
We have part time tutor and full time tutors for every level from Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School & Junior College. For your interest we also provide Music and Swimming lesson etc.
The benefits of getting a tutor from us:
- Managed by an experienced Tuition Company who has been in this line
for the past years. You will get an official receipt.
- Get up to 20% discount for EPH assessment books Accumulate points
for every dollar you spent and redeem it with a shopping voucher
- Get a free E learning/ Assessment. Usual Price is $49.90/monthly.
Contact Email: [email protected] OR
Facebook: Byron Lim
Note: No agency fee is charged on the students/parents.
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