Shea Butter Candles

$ 0.00

Change your ambiance with Hazelwood Soap Company candles, blending rich shea butter essence with flickering candlelight. Crafted for generous moments, these candles infuse your space with a soothing aroma while offering a decadent moisturizing experience. As the flame dances, the shea butter melts into a silky lotion, ready to nourish your skin upon application. Whether for relaxation or enhancing the atmosphere, Shea Butter Candles provide a sensory journey, leaving your surroundings imbued with warmth and your skin with a silky, moisturized touch. Treat yourself to this sensory delight and elevate everyday moments into luxurious experiences.
United States
Stato / Regione / Provincia
North Carolina
435 Hazelwood Ave
Espandi mappa
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