The novels written by multi genre author Joel Goulet

$ 3.00
Joel Goulet has been writing novels since 2000. His captivating, descriptive style of writing delivers believable, likeable, or hated characters, and intriguing stories in countries around the world. Go back in time to when Tut was Pharoh. Rome was under siege while protected by a young Swiss Guard. Strange events were happening within clandestine agencies of the government. A marshal was holding back outlaws with his demise planned. A roaring car on a bloody high-speed rampage. A young man unable to die. A serial killer terrorizing two continents. A series with a family with gifted powers from beyond this world. Novels in the formats of e-Books, paperback, and hardcover, are available in several countries depending upon title and format. E-BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE. Novels are in the genres of suspense, mystery, western, horror, science fiction, and historical fiction/romance. Prices start at $3.
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